Applied Kinesiology

Applied Kinesiology

Applied Kinesiology (A.K.) is a system of discovering the inner causes of one's health problems and precisely how to heal them through "reading the body language". In its own way the body gives feedback to the questions or challenges from the doctor through its muscle strengths and weaknesses. This is done by testing the strength of one or several individual muscles as the doctor attempts to push the patient's arm, leg or torso in a particular direction while the patient resists the force exerted by the doctor.

The pattern of strengths and weaknesses found with these tests identify exact structural imbalances or weaknesses in the spine, legs, arms, etc, as well as specific organ weaknesses, nutritional deficiencies and food allergies, which are retested after treatment intervention. Organ weaknesses can be corrected through several types of stimulation points, spinal adjustments or diet and nutritional supplements. Several types of points are used in A.K., such as acupressure points, lymphatic points, and blood flow stimulation points.

Applied Kinesiology for Nutrition - Dr. Mendel utilizes some of the more advanced techniques of A.K. to test patients' food allergies, nutritional deficiencies, the beneficial or detrimental effects of particular vitamins, minerals, enzyme or herbal formulas for each individual patient. This enables him to create unique, individualized recommendations and programs for each patient.

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